Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year for Halloween, we decorated white pumpkins we grew in our yard.  We made masks for our pumpkins and glued huge googly eyes on them.

I had a really fun Spooky Party at Oma's.  Look at all these scary faces!

Keenan dressed like a calculator, and his friend Keller was a pirate.

I was a black cat, and my friend Vera was the Queen of Hearts.

Sometimes Keenan and I like to put on costumes when it's not Halloween!

Daddy's TI nspire cx costume was the best!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Penelopes with Friends

For my school friends' birthdays this summer, I gave them the gift of a tea party at Penelopes.  We finally found a date that everyone could make, except one mom.  We had tiny peanut butter and honey sandwiches cut into flower shapes, a small bowl of fruit salad, a pastry that none of us liked, and a large teapot full of hot chocolate - yum!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


These are pictures that I took of Legos I built.

 This is a Lego girl that is sitting on a seat in the car.
 These are two cars connected to each other.
This is my brother holding a little boy on a house that I built.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First day of 1st grade!

Today was my first day of first grade.  I like the patio outside my classroom.  I didn't like that we had to be in a little square group and I wanted just a desk that could open.

 Walking up the hill on the way to school.  My new backpack (which I love!) is almost bigger than I am.
This is my friend Steven, and my teacher, Mrs. Payne.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Y Camp

Sorry my summer posts will be out of order, but Mommy wanted to get these YMCA Family Camp memories down before she lost them.

Kinsey: creek hike to Ella falls, being carried on Doug's hip because the water came up to her chest; hike to Indian point; going in a rowboat for the first time; kayaking with Mommy; swimming in the lake - passed the swim test on the first try; cannonballs off the floating dock; painting ceramics; tie dye; campfires and s'mores; trying the climbing tower; low ropes course; participating in all of the Water Carnival games; making a lanyard with Daddy.  Also walked down the road in the dark by herself to find Mommy, saw a mouse in the cabin, ate meals with strangers who became friends, enjoyed watching skits, and learned to play Uno with all of the rules.  Liked having dessert with every meal!

 Travis: daily morning trail runs; fishing, kayaking, lake swims, dock-lounging, lanyard expert, high ropes, climbing tower, archery, painting with kids, eating.

Keenan: creek hike to Ella falls, also had to be carried once the water reached his chest, thank you Doug! made a popsicle stick cabin; went fishing with Daddy; got to try using a bow and arrow; went in a rowboat and a kayak; swimming at the waterfront, also passed his swim test on the first try (which meant he did not have to always swim with a parent and wear a life vest); cannonballs off the floating dock; low ropes course; painting ceramics, sticks and rocks.

In this Water Carnival game, the kids are splashing water into the adult-filled canoe in order to sink it.  Pretty cool to be told, "Yes, you may splash the adults!"

Our "Rustic cabin."

Deb: made it to the top of the climbing wall; did high ropes course; kayaked every day; rowed the row-boat to follow T in his lake swim; did the lake swim; hiked trails up, jogged down with T; campfire (ugh!), made to do a skit (survived); swimming with kids; jumping off dock; didn't have to prepare a single meal!

The camp had a fabulous kids-camp program in the morning.  On this day, the kids hiked up a creek (waist high in some places!) to Ella Falls.  We all enjoyed Family Camp!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer fun, weeks 1 & 2

I'm having so much fun this summer and it's only just begun!  The first week of vacation, I went to gymnastics camp in the morning.  We swinged on a pole and landed in a foam pit.  I flipped over on the bar; it was really fun because there were some other bars that you could flip over and the last day I had to practice one thing on each of the bars.

I asked Mommy if we could have a picnic in our backyard.  The blanket in my picnic basket was too tiny so I asked Mommy to find a different blanket to sit on.  We read books and we ate food and we did drawings and we did stamp pads and we looked at photo albums too.  It was really fun.

Take me out to the ball game!  I got to go to a Dodger baseball game with my Mom's part of the family.  Uncle Rob, Uncle James, Aunt Chris, Aunt Christi, Grandma and Grandpa, cousin Kurt and Mommy, Daddy and Lil'Buddy all came.  

This is a picture I took of my toes that are painted.  Do you see the pattern?

This week, my brother and I are at Vacation Bible School (VBS).  The theme is SKY, so here we are in front of the rockets.  Do you see the smoke coming out the bottom of the rocket?  Today our verse said, "Don't let your heart be troubled. Trust in God."  Yesterday, the verse was "People judge by the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My art

School is almost over!  Tomorrow is my last day of Kindergarten.  We have a promotion ceremony at 10 o'clock.  All of the kindergarteners get to sing two songs.  Then my class is going out to pizza.  Mommy and I made a beach cake today to share with my class.  It has graham cracker crumbs for the sand, and blue frosting for the water.  (If the decorating turns out well, Mommy will post a picture of it on my blog tomorrow.)

Below are more pictures that I did this year in the after school art class, and the art class on Thursdays in school.

 This is my last picture from after school art class.  Mommy really likes it.

 This is the picture that Mommy thought she wouldn't get from the school because it wasn't in my portfolio.  But my art teacher gave it to me today.  It is a picture of kids playing at a water park.

 For this picture, I first did a big circle then a tinier circle then a tinier circle then a dot.  Then we put a background in, then the teacher sprinkled paint on our pictures.  We got to pick the colors.

 I did this dot-to-dot in school today.  First we did a 100 page.  That is where we write the numbers from one to one hundred.

This is a picture from Diego Rivera.  But I did a copy of his painting of a girl.  It's oil pastels on black paper.  Daddy has it hanging in his classroom; you can see the magnets if you look closely!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Palm Desert 2012

Our trip to Palm Desert was really fun.  We went to the pool many times, and we went night swimming once.  Mommy forgot to bring the goggles at night, but Daddy went back for them.  We ate ice cream, read books, had water fights, and played.  Saturday morning, my friends Brodie and Ashton came to swim with us.  Saturday afternoon, Uncle James and Aunt Chris came.  I got lots of Mommy time too.
 Here I am in the kide pule.
 Here I am squtn the teres with keenan and unckel james.
 Here is mi famle afder diner.
we are snugling.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

After School Art Class

I am in an art class after school on Fridays.  All of the other kids are friends of mine, so it's fun. One of the teachers is nice; the other one is not so nice.  Sometimes she yells when we're not quiet.

This first picture is me in my bed.  To make it, I first started with a "U."  Then I drew an almond shape and put two dots for the nose, and a smile.  This was done using a black Sharpie and crayons.

The next week, I drew a crocodile.  I started with like a kind of upside-down "U," and then I went down slant and then I did two almond shapes for the eyes.  For the scales, I drew triangles.  I added the pond and the tree.  The rainbow color is a thin sheet of something that I attached with a glue stick.

The next week, I did a flower.  To begin, I drew the flower shapes with a black Sharpie.  I colored the flower with red, yellow, and green pastels.  There is also blue and orange in the middle.  And then I put a special chemical on it with a q-tip.  This made it nice and smooth.

Last week in class, I made a lady fishing in the pond.  Her feet are in the pond soaking.  This was a line-drawing with a black Sharpie and pastels again.

I don't have a favorite; I pretty much like all of them.  Do you have a favorite?  Write a note to me!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Family Fun

This weekend, I did two fun things with my family.  On Saturday, it was windy, so we brought our new kites to Elings park.  It was not easy to get my fairy kite up, but Daddy was patient and he got it to fly.  You can see my kite and my brother's Angry Birds kite in the picture below.  Also, you can see our taco tongues!  Can you do that?

Then on Sunday, we went to UCSB to watch Zoo Zoo, a show with acrobats and dancers dressed like animals.  Before the show, we got our faces painted, and had free ice cream sandwiches.  
 Little Buddy is a monster, and I am a phoenix.
 My friend V was a phoenix too!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Palm Deserts Past

I can't wait to go to Palm Desert with my family.  It's one month away.  Here are pictures from visits to PD when I was little.  The one with the paci is my brother.

This year, I want to go see if we're on the top floor or the bottom floor.  The top floor has a balcony and the ground floor has grass.  I can't wait to do a craft with Shamma, and go night swimming with Boppa.  And something special this year: Daddy gets to come!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Easter was fun.  I loved Grandma and Grandpa's presents.  Especially the tattoo tape; I put one on my hand and also one on Oma.  It was a blast.  In the morning, we went to church at the UCSB lagoon.  When we did an egg hunt later in the day, I found 24 eggs.  They were filled with sweet cinnamon cereal, cheesy cracker squares, M & Ms, and tiny chocolate eggs.  My cousin Abby and my friend Brianna came over for lunch and we did the egg hunt with them.  After lunch, we got to eat the sugar cookies that we painted.  Aren't they pretty?  Mommy kept telling us to put lots and lots of frosting on them!  Happy Easter - He has risen from the dead!

Another special part of my Easter day was a visit from my cousin Kylie. Thanks for sharing your Easter with me!