Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Break

Spring Break was a blast!  My family did so many fun things.  One day, we went to a kids' museum in Pasadena.  I especially liked the tricycle track and the climbing wall.  Once the school kids on field trips left, Little Buddy and I played in the little kids' place with buckets of water and water pumps.

Another day, Mommy and Oma and I went to Penelope's for a tea party.  I had my own tea pot full of hot chocolate, a small dish of whipped cream, and a plate of yummy food. I want to go back there again!

Yesterday, Daddy did the UCSB Triathlon.  He came in 1st place in his age group!  Go Daddy!

Later in the day, we went for a bike ride to Steven's Park to go down a dirt hill.  While we were there, it started to rain.  


  1. K, your blog looks great. Good Job.
    Love, Daddy

    1. Wow! the blog looks great especially the climbing wall. A day at Penelope's with your favorite ladies sure looks like fun. You have a wonderful Dad. He's a winner in our book also. Thanks for the pictures and stories to go along with them. Love ya, Gram & Gramps

  2. I love the silly face at the tea house!
